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TALK / Dustin Ingram / Secure Software Supply Chains for Python
Dustin Ingram - Secure Software Supply Chains for Python
Talk - Dustin Ingram: Securing the Open Source Software Supply Chain
Securing Your Python Software Supply Chain With Dustin Ingram | Real Python Podcast #67
PyPI Supply Chain Security - Dustin Ingram, Python Software Foundation
PyPI & Supply Chain Security - Dustin Ingram | PackagingCon 2021
Python Package Index Moderation with Dustin Ingram (PyPI Security Professional)
Securing your Software Supply Chain
Building a Sustainable Python Package Index - Dustin Ingram
Episode 150: Dustin Ingram and the Open Source Security Team at Google
Dustin Ingram: Data Protection for Developers: Past, Present, and Future
"Building a Sustainable Python Package Index" - Dustin Ingram (PyCon AU 2019)